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Field Trips at the Center

In efforts to pair our learning experiences with hands-on adventures, we are bringing field trips into our planning! For preparation of field trips, teachers have to discover opportunities for places to visit. They then develop a lesson that builds skills and is of the children’s interests. Once it is approved by me, we then will send home permission slips (about 3 weeks in advance). The permission slip will indicate the details of the trip (departure time, parent tag-along info, fees, and attire notes). The permission slip (and payment) is due at least 3 days before the trip.

On the day of the field trip, ALL car seats must also be checked in at drop off. If we do not have a car seat for your child, your child will be unable to attend. If you are also going on the trip with us (and therefore you will already have your child’s seat in your personal car), it should be noted on your returned permission slip. If you are going with us, please meet us here at the center so that we will all leave together. (When we leave the field trip, you may go on your way).

Upcoming Field Trips

Feb 23, Pre-K to the Tulsa Children’s Museum. Leaving at 12pm, Returning at 3:30pm.

Feb 27, EPS 1 to Tulsa Zoo for U to Zoo Event. Leaving at 9am, Returning at 12pm.

Feb 28, EPS 2 to Tulsa Zoo for U to Zoo Event. Leaving at 9am, Returning at 12pm.

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