Dear Parents,
We are letting the good and sunny times roll at DCDC Claremore! Each summer we prepare our classrooms and playscape for all the fun that we will be having.
All children wear sunscreen when we are outdoors for play. Please prepare your child’s cubbie with needed items for exended exploration outdoors.
We are ready for our Father’s Day Family Cookout June 21st! Please let us know ASAP if you will be in attendance. This event is for all family members. We will have games and activities for you to participate in with your children. Please join us from 5-7pm! Each family is asked to bring a side dish to the event. Let a teacher know if you need to sign up.
Our annual MUD DAY is also coming up this month. On June 29th we will be having our celebration. All children will be able to explore and play in our mud mountain. Parents are also encouraged to come. Dress appropriately! Our celebration will take the full day and conclude at 4pm. Mud exploration supports sensory growth, cooperative play and gross motor development. Our children have daily access to mud and sand on our playscapes; however, this event is on a large scale. Parents and siblings are permitted to play with us.