Summer IS Here!!!
Summer is finally upon us! We were so happy to enjoy the nice weather that June brought! Some days were too hot to get outside, and as you may know, most of our infants are on the move! So, what does one do with eight energetic babies when it's just too hot to get outdoors? We open the classroom door and explore the hallways! This allows the infants to keep cool in a different environment while getting their wiggles out, interacting with the other children through the windows, and working on gross motor skills: crawling, pulling up, and walking.
This month we will be engaging in more sensory play. Sensory play offers learning through hands-on activities that stimulate your infant’s senses. This first year is important for brain growth and development. Many of the nerve connections are built during this stage of life, which means the more a baby’s brain is stimulated with playing and learning, the more connections will develop. People with more neural pathways are able to complete more complex tasks and handle difficult problems. Through sensory play, your child will expand the areas of the brain that respond to those senses, and essentially learn how to learn better.
Our classroom has been through a few changes this month. Two of our 1-year old friends are now in Ms Jessica’s T2 class. They will be greatly missed, but we get to see them very often. With babies growing up and out, we have a few very adorable new faces! All of the teachers are fawning over the new faces and busy getting to know each of their personalities.
Speaking of teachers and change, Ms Elizabeth is currently filling in at DCDC Claremore, and we miss her! In her absence, Ms Michelle's hours have changed, and we now have a new teacher closing the classroom. Don't be afraid to sit, talk with, and get to know her when picking up your child. Ms Hayden has been our steady rock through all the change, and we thank her for EVERYTHING she does on a daily basis.
We would like to thank all the families that came to the cookout event in June put on by our fearless Family Service Coordinator, Mr Larry! Attendance to our family events is always a blast and allows for family bonding, learning, growing together.
Quick reminder: Please check Kid Reports' emails on a daily basis. See uploaded pictures (working on doing that more often), know what your child has eaten and drank today, track diaper changes, and see if there are any notes. Sometimes at the end of the day there are multiple parents picking up at once. In this instance, we do not get the chance to communicate with each parent face-to-face as thoroughly as we would like, so we often send messages before pick up times to make sure that parents have as much information as possible.
Have a GREAT month!!
Ms Michelle and Ms Hayden