Greetings from T2!
June flew by, and we can’t believe July is already here! We have been so busy exploring and learning this month by listening to stories, engaging in child-led play, exploring Art & Sensory, and spending time in the fresh air.
In our classroom we have been listening to a lot of Classical music throughout the day. We have noticed it calms our classroom down, and the children enjoy it. We have a few children who will even dance like ballerinas when the music begins.
Our class has also really loved coloring lately. They enjoy creating masterpieces, and we love hearing them explain what they have created.
Water play has been a lifesaver to beat the heat lately. The children love being outside, and exploring and playing in the water allows us to stay out a little longer.
A few books the children have been enjoying are Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert and I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child. One of our favorite songs has been “Wheels on The Bus.”
During most of June we learned about food. We have been talking about the different kinds of food, where it comes from, shapes and colors of different foods, and of course, everyone’s favorite foods. The children have recognized where some of the food we eat comes from. When we are eating vegetables some say, “This comes from the garden.” And when drinking our milk they say, “This comes from a cow.” We have also looked at and talked about the garden on the preschool playground.
We have two new friends in our class who have transferred from the infant room. We are so glad they have moved to our class, and the children love having new friends. So be sure to say “Hi” and welcome them.
Please remember, we are always open for anyone to volunteer in our class, whether it be reading a story, sharing culture, eating a meal, or joining in an activity. We know life can be hectic, so your volunteer time can be long or short—whatever fits your schedule. Just let us know ahead of time so we can plan our day around it!
Thank you to all of our parents for staying involved in our class!
Ms Jessica & Ms Mollie