Hello from T2!
July has flown by, and we are excited for August to be here! The summer months are flying by as we are busy, busy, busy in our class. We have been exploring and spending a little extra time in the classroom since it’s been so hot in the afternoons. We have been exploring with sensory; water is always a favorite in our class, whether it be inside or out, and we have also explored dry rice. Shaving cream and finger painting are always messy favorites, too.
This past month we have been doing a lot of music and movement so that we can be more active in the class room. We have a dance playlist, and the children love dancing around with their friends in the classroom. A few songs they have been enjoying are “Goin’ on a Bear Hunt,” “Animal Action” and “The Freeze.”
For the majority of July we learned about plants. We talked about the different kinds of plants, how plants grow, what plants need to grow, colors of plants, and everything else that goes with plants. We have explored the gardens in our playgrounds and talked about what kinds of plants were in them. We also watched the preschoolers pick vegetables out of their vegetable gardens.
In August we are going to be spending most of the month talking about weather. We will be going over the different kinds of weather. We will also explore different things in our sensory table like cloud dough and spaghetti noodles.
The children will be doing many process art activities, creating their own weather simulations through art and science experiments. We also have a lot of projects planned, so be sure to check out the lesson plan that is above your child’s cubby, and be on the lookout for pictures on KidReports.
Please remember we are always open for anyone to volunteer in our class, whether it be reading a story, sharing culture, eating a meal, or doing an activity. Just let us know ahead of time so we can plan our day around it!
Thank you,
Mrs. Jessica & Miss Mollie