There are a lot of things that have been going on in our classroom this past month, and we are excited to tell you about it! We have been learning about one of the hottest places to be, how to pick the right vegetables from our garden, and what it means to help others.
Our study has been based upon Sand. What fun we have had discussing and looking at what sand is really made of. This group learned that the Sahara Dessert is one of the hottest places, and the children have looked through magnifying glasses in the sandbox looking for treasures. Some have noticed when sand is on the sidewalk, it makes a funny sound when stepped on. Some children have said, "It's slippery!"
Of course, it wouldn't be fun if sand castles weren't constructed of the best imagination a child can build with! There were some good ideas on how sand castles can be made and what it takes to construct one. After that group discussion, the race was on to see what can be done with water, a bucket, and a lot of creativity! Some children paired up with a friend, and some worked alone. No matter what was happening that day in the sand box, everyone had fun!
If you are looking for a tasty treat, you may want to stop in and see what's happening in our garden! You may see children with buckets, working together to find the perfect cucumber to pick. These individuals are learning to reach in and hold up the big green leaves and vines in the garden and look closely because cucumbers are known for hiding. By the time the hunt ends, buckets will be full, and children will be ready to count and compare the homegrown garden goodies! This activity promotes teamwork as well as planting, harvesting, and growing our own food.
We even had the chance to share what we know with some new friends from Eldercare. The bond was almost immediate from the range of generations, and if you listened closely, you could hear stories about growing up and helping in the family garden after school to help prepare for dinner. Our new friends also washed, sliced, and passed out the freshly picked produce to the children. The atmosphere was filled with recollection, highlights from the past, and funny stories. We are excited to have them visit again soon!
Please remember our Parent Teacher Conferences will be coming up in August. We can't wait to share your child's progress with you! As always, feel free to drop by and say “hello,” eat lunch with us, or help us pick from the garden. We love visitors!
Thank you for being a part of us!
Ms. KK and the EPS Class