Mr. Larry and I would like to thank all the partnered families who participated in home visits this past month; thank you for the warm welcome into your homes! We know all our parents love taking an active part in your child's learning experiences. We encourage all parents to come and be a part of our team for a little while. We do know it’s hard to have a full-time job and still find some time to spend in the classroom with your children. We do want to continue to see this much-needed support as it benefits the children’s engagement and development.
With summer in full force and heat advisories, we haven't been able to get outdoors in the afternoon time. We've been shaking it up and getting our wiggles out with a few new songs in class. One of the songs they all seem to love is called "Weather Song for Kids: The Sun Goes Up" by Dream English Kids (you can find it on YouTube). It is a cheerful and fun song with acting cues that all of our one-year-olds now know. Try it out at home and let us know what you think!
Some classroom engagement ideas:
-read a story
-participate in water play days
-do an art activity
Michelle Thompson
Infant Assistant Teacher
Delaware Child Development Center