The month of August was FULL of adventure and new experiences for our Preschool class! We spent a lot of time exploring what the children are calling "The Magic Forest" and "The Rain Forest" and "The Woods"—located nearby on Delaware Tribal property. They got to pick out their own walking sticks and collect bugs and other treasures. Of course, we HAD to roll down the hill! We did some "scientific research" on rocks and how they look when dry vs wet. I wrote down everything they observed on the rocks they collected on our walk, and then they signed the paper at the bottom.
We did a few cooking experiences also this month, making Banana Muffins, Turkey Burger Sliders, and Ants on a Log! We look forward to doing quite a bit more next month! We also went on a “trash walk,” picking up trash around the grounds. The kids had so much fun “cleaning up the earth.”
We are taking a couple of field trips and will continue to do our cooking experiences and adventure walks! Parents, if you would like to partake in any of the wonderful things your children are enjoying, please feel free to stop on in and join us. I know the children would love to share their experiences with you!
Ms Bethany