Happy September from the EPS Class!
Can you believe we are already into the ninth month of the year? This class has literally made a splash this summer by having water play nearly every day! The swimming clothes that came in to our class early on were bright, neon colors. Now as we are saying “goodbye” to the days of having wet hair and water-soaked bathing suits, we are reflecting on the memories of not so long ago. As we look back on pictures of summer fun, we realize time goes by quicker than we can imagine. When looking back at the photos, we hear a lot of, "Hey, remember that day?" We also hear giggles and stories being told over and over of the things that were taking place at that time. These children have a great memory. Little do they know they are the ones who make it memorable.
As we have said "Good Luck" to some classmates who have moved into the Preschool class, we are saying "Welcome" to some new friends who have joined us. Some have transitioned from other rooms and some have joined us for the first time. Whomever they are and wherever they came from, we are thrilled to have a class full of children who are best of friends. We have been discussing the beginning of the year and learning where each classroom play center is located and how to stay safe, inside and outdoors. We have been experiencing friendship, feelings, and teamwork. This group has done a great job being part of a group that is learning something new all the time. We are beginning to hold pencils, crayons, and markers with a three-point hold. We are also working on counting and the alphabet. We are beginning to hold scissors and recognize the first letter of our name. Remember, each child learns at their own pace. Comparing children is not a what this class is about. Everyone will get an opportunity to learn at their own pace. Way to go!
As the countdown is on for the first day of Fall, we are already planning our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch! We will be needing a lot of parent volunteers, so please keep watching for updates on our field trip. Of course, it wouldn't be fun without a picnic. We can't wait to experience this together! As soon as I find out the details, I will pass them along to you.
Don't forget your grandparents on Sunday, September 9th. This is a wonderful opportunity to let them know just how much they are loved and appreciated. We are planning our Grandparents Day Celebration on Monday, September 10th. This will be a fun time for Grandparents to join their grandchild and have a special treat, along with a surprise or two! Later this month, we will be getting acquainted with Johnny Appleseed facts so that we can celebrate him on Wednesday, September 26th. If you have any children's books about Johnny Appleseed, please feel free to share them with us by reading them to our class or allowing us to borrow them. Don't be surprised when you walk into our room and smell the fresh aroma of Applesauce cooking!
Please remember you are always welcome in our classroom! You may join us for a meal, read to us, or simply observe what we are learning. Thank you for everything you do for us, and Happy Fall Ya'll!
Ms KK and the EPS Class