I can't believe how FAST September went by! In the preschool class we were quite busy. We made a whole lot of tasty food, and of course, enjoyed eating it! We made granola, pumpkin gingerbread muffins, butternut squash and rice soup, and chicken salad!
We found a lot of really cool animals on our morning walks! We found turtles, caterpillars, butterflies, hawks, mourning doves, and a rabbit, as well as some bones to a gopher. We are collecting whatever we can find or catch, and we are putting it in our science center so that we can learn all about the local insects and small animals in our area.
We have collected a hawk feather, woodpecker feather, monarch butterfly, moth, dragon fly, a house fly, an owl regurgitation pod, and the bones of the gopher (which we are cleaning and sanitizing before we put them in the center.) We found a 918ROCKS! rock hidden during one of our walks, and the kids chose to re-hide it for someone else to find, instead of keeping it for ourselves.
We are still collecting recycling and picking up trash to "help the earth." The children love to recycle.
We also started making and decorating our very own walking sticks for our morning walks. The kids have enjoyed all the different experiences that we have had.
Next month, we will be going to the Pumpkin Patch with Ms KK's class, and we are really looking forward to it. It will be a lot of fun!