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Ms KK’s Class—Early Preschool

Hello from EPS!

The time is going by so quickly; we are already learning about the trees and their leaves changing, how many seasons are in a year, and how to grow apples and pumpkins. The children are so busy this time of year and have been enjoying the outside weather—walks in the woods, along with jumping, and hopping. The cooler weather has made us all feel a bit energetic.

We had so much fun celebrating our grandparents on Monday, September 10th! We enjoyed a picnic outside during snack time and spent much needed time with our wonderful friends at Elder Care and planting flowers. The children picked out the perfect pot for planting, and of course, the perfect flower that appealed the most to each of them. The adults were watching with curiosity and were anxiously awaiting to see what the outcome would be. Everyone interacted together, just like one big family. We sure appreciate everyone who took time from their busy afternoon to stop by and visit with us. The children had so much fun, we can't wait until our next outing!

Speaking of our next outing, we are planning our annual trip to the Oklahoma Heritage Farm in Ramona. The Pumpkin Patch is always fun! Oklahoma Heritage Farm also has lots of nice trees, and since we are studying about trees, what better time to add this to our agenda! We will experience seeing farm animals, playing in the corn trough, and going through the maze. After we have used up most of our energy, we will enjoy a picnic on the farm. Before heading back to school, we will enjoy a few more activities, and then look around and choose for the perfect pumpkin to take home with us. We are signing up now and looking forward to spending time with the volunteers who are going along with us. Thank you so much! Keep watching for information as the time grows closer!

With the beautiful weather becoming frequent, we are enjoying more breakfast time outside. The children are able to observe and listen to nature sounds and enjoy fresh air as they discuss what the day will bring while eating together. This has to be a favorite time for me as I sit back and listen to the conversations these children engage in. So much learning is taking place, and they don't even realize it. I love the imaginations and discussions the children have while catching up on the happenings from being home the evening before. They are truly best of friends.

On Wednesday, October 31st, we will be traveling to the Headquarters building and the Tribal Community Center to Trick or Treat. The children will be so excited to engage in our annual trip around the campus. All parents are welcome! Stay tuned for more information!

I will keep everyone updated on the field trip happenings, and we are already planning the next one. You won't want to miss out!

As always, you are welcome to stop by and visit, read to us, or simply eat lunch. Whatever you choose, we welcome you! Thank you so much!

Ms KK and EPS

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