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Ms Teresa & Ms Jenny's Class - Toddler A

Hello, Parents!

The months are passing by, and it's hard to believe that there are only 90 days left till the year 2019 will arrive. We just want to say thank you for entrusting us to love, teach, inspire, and care for your children; it means a lot.

We just want to let you all know that for the next three months our class will engage in a lot of natural play. For instance, we will watch and talk about what the weather is doing to the leaves, explore the hot and coldness of the earth, dissect a pumpkin and sing the pumpkin song, and have a pumpkin rolling contest. We will extend this fun throughout the months of October and November.

We want you all to know that every child in the class as of now, instead of drawing on the furniture, can now put pencil to paper with or with directing. We have at least three that can hold the pencils between their fingers. We will continue to work on our fine motor skills. We are making progress, so therefore we want them to continue to bring their backpacks.

Thanks for all you do, it takes a village to raise a child.

Ms Teresa and Ms Jenny

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