Hello from Early Preschool!
We are so excited about the things that have happened and that are taking place this month. The children and I have been so busy discussing and exploring trees and their growth, leaves and their colors, and of course Pumpkins! We find it amazing the way the scenes of nature have changed so quickly. We are so mesmerized with the colors of leaves and the temperature change, not to mention lots of rain! Rain has been a welcome sight to this group, as they all so carefully put their rain boots on and their jackets to take turns dancing, singing, and stomping in the puddles.
Children are such a pleasure to watch when they are speaking to one another about the weather and nature. My heart is so full when I listen to what they say to each other. "It looks like fog, but it's falling from the sky." What a way to keep those lines of communication open! I stand back and observe as they are watching clouds and hoping that just one will pass by from the sun as it comes through. We are always on the lookout for a rainbow!
We had so much fun carving our huge pumpkins and pulling out seeds and the fibrous strands! Some children thought this was truly "Yucky" and some thought it was the "Coolest" thing they had ever seen. We counted pumpkin seeds, compared sizes of pumpkins, explored their shapes, and smelled the findings. Some even tasted the raw insides. So many lessons were learned by this one small activity, and the children used every one of their senses. Way to go, EPS!
We enjoyed our annual trip to the Oklahoma Heritage Farm on October 18th. Each child was wild with excitement when they saw farm animals, played games, rode the cow train, and of course, picked the perfect pumpkin to take home! The slide was probably the favorite of the entire day, when parents and friends joined their child and discovered which slide was the fastest. We enjoyed a picnic lunch that Ms Hope made, and it was delicious! Thanks to all who volunteered to come along!
On October 31st we will be traveling across the parking lot to trick or treat in the tribal buildings. All the little characters will be in full gear, candy bags in hand! This will take place after lunch. All volunteers are appreciated! You surely won't want to miss out on this fun time!
We are planning our annual Thanksgiving Lunch in November and will begin our planning for the Christmas program.
As always, we welcome you into our class. Volunteering is fun for us and rewarding for you. We love visitors!
Have a great month!
Ms KK and the EPS Class