It is that time of year when things begin to change all around us! The air becomes cool and crisp, the trees become vibrant with warm colors, and we have thoughts of thankfulness and family. One of my favorite things to do with children is investigate all the unique patterns of changes that are happening around us. There is no better way to learn than to get outside and explore the transformation with our own eyes.
The children love to go on walks and see new things, so we decided to bring bags on our walk and find items that looked different from what was found on our previous walks. The children went frenetic when they noticed that the leaves were different colors and even falling from the trees above us! Some children stated, “Wow, I didn’t know that leaves turn pinkish purple!” and “I want to catch all these leaves falling in the sky.”
We then took all our findings and sorted then into groups by colors. The children then took everything they found and positioned it onto contact paper to create a piece of art. The hangings look incredible with all the different colors in our windows! We had an unbelievable hands-on learning experience, and the children look forward to more adventures like this one in the future.
For the month of November, we are going to focus on our families. We will also be doing a lot with fall colors and what it means to be thankful. I would like to encourage you and your children to look at pictures of your families and just reflect on those wonderful memories. If you would like, please bring some of those photos to class, and we will share them and place them in our classroom.
Ms Nicole Blevins