Hello, Parents!
We have been having fun welcoming Fall into TB. We have been exploring Fall colors inside and outside of our classroom. We have been talking about what we are seeing while we are outside on the playscape. The changing leaves have really caught their attention.
During our meals, we are practicing using our good manners by saying, "Please", "Thank you", and "Excuse, please". You may see your child signing these at home or even saying them to you. We are working hard to build their language skills.
TB has welcomed new friends into our class, and they are settling in with our daily routines. We also are excited to share that Ms Sadie has officially joined our classroom as the Assistant Teacher. She is from Claremore and a graduate of Claremore Sequoyah. She is a newly married and has been working in childcare for two and half years.
This month is Thanksgiving! We are thankful for each of our families and the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life.
Ms Krisinda & Ms Sadie