In T1 we had a lot of fun in December! We loved practicing for our Christmas programs, and we sang “Jingle Bells” every day. We even have a book called Jingle Bells to read that really helped the kids learn the words to the song. We enjoyed talking about Santa and what we all wanted for Christmas. Some of the responses when we asked what the children wanted were pretty funny such as “a crayon,” “a tractor,” and “a puppy.” We also had a lot of fun making our Christmas presents for our parents; the children loved sticking their hands in the green paint and moving it all around!
In December we talked about snow and how we really haven't had much, so I plan on doing a fun activity in January. The activity is playing with fake potato flakes to simulate snow in our sensory bin! I think the children will really have fun playing in it, and it will really open up conversations about the weather.
We hope everyone has enjoyed their holidays with their families, and we can’t wait to see what 2019 brings to T1!
Ms Amanda, Ms Emily, and Ms Riley