Hello from EPS!
We have been discussing so many different things lately; it's hard to know exactly where to begin. The first thing we have discovered is how different balls are. Yes, they are called Balls, but in our world, we think of them as being bouncy and soft. As we dug out our big basket of balls, we realized that wasn't the case. We have balls that are hard, soft, bouncy, loud, quiet, some that roll and some that don't. The textures are truly fun to discover, and once we looked at them under the magnifying glass, it was an amazing sight. The children brought balls from home and shared them with the class, and we took turns bouncing and rolling to see how fast and far they would go. Whew! Who knew balls would be so interesting! Soon, this study will be over, but we know fun things are coming our way!
During the month of February, we celebrated National Dental Month and enjoyed a visit from a dental hygienist who showed us the proper way to brush teeth and talked about the importance of regular check-ups and even read us a story. She also brought each child their very own goodie bag complete with a toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste. Thank you, Ashley Reed, for taking time from your busy schedule to teach us the healthy way to take care of our teeth!
For the month of March, we are studying about Dr. Seuss, and of course, his fun books that rhyme! This class is learning all about rhyming words, so this fits together perfectly. If you don't know much about Dr. Seuss, you are missing out. His birthday is March 2nd, and he promotes reading with children. Our favorite Dr. Seuss books are Cat in the Hat, Ten Apples up on Top, and Mr. Brown can Moo, Can you? You can find his fun books at our local library and other interesting happenings as well! Check it out!
We will also be discussing Johnny Appleseed and making some delicious homemade Applesauce! Of course, the children will be preparing the apples, and it will cook from morning until afternoon in the slow cooker, and we will enjoy it during snack time. So, when you walk into our room, don't be surprised if you smell the yummy aroma of warm apples simmering. If you would like to join us on Monday, March 11th, please let me know and we will be happy to set you an extra dish on the table. You won't want to miss out!
Remember, only a few more days until daylight savings time, so be prepared for more sunshine headed our way! Sunday, March 10th is approaching quickly, which can mean only one thing - Spring is Wednesday, March 20th! Here's to a great month!
Ms. KK and the EPS