Hello from the infant room! A lot of amazing things are going to be happening in the infant room.
For the month of April, we will be working on physical development. In the Early Learning Guidelines book that we use to help with the children’s development, they associate physical development with different standards that break down how they will learn. We will focus on standard one: demonstrate basic locomotor movement. We will be working with the younger infants on learning how to crawl, sit up, and roll over. With the older infants we will be teaching them how to walk with assistance and without the help of an adult or walking toy. We will also be working with the older infants on sitting at the table.
We will also be working on our fine motor skills. To learn this skill, we will be working with our fingers by finger painting, grasping toys, and also grasping crayons and chalk. We will also learn how to hold a toothbrush. When children develop these skills, they will be able to move more independently and be able to explore their environment inside and outside. With it getting warmer outside, we will be going out quite often to help the children develop different skill levels with a different terrain.
We are very excited to watch the children learn these new skills and to become more independent!
Ms. Ashley and Ms. Gabi