Hello from T1!
We had so much fun during the month of March! Since the weather has become increasingly cooperative, we have been able to play outside much more! We are very excited for spring for that reason!
For the month of March, we learned about movements of our bodies and our feelings. We played a lot of songs that use gross motor movement; one of our favorites in the class is called “Movement Melody” where we gallop like ponies, jump like frogs, and march around like a Drill Sargent. It always gets our class moving and grooving, and our kids ask for it almost every day!
Movement as we know is also a form of communication and helps our children learn another way to express how they feel. So, our class learned new lyrics to the song “Happy and You Know It.” But, instead of being happy all the time we introduced feelings that our kids have experienced such as sad, mad, excited, and scared. This helps give our little ones ideas on what to do if they are experiencing those emotions. We also would talk to each other about how we felt, what made us happy, and what made us mad or sad. It is very important that our children know that we listen, we understand, and we care about their feelings.
March was fun, but we are excited to see what April will bring us!
Ms. Amanda, Ms. Emily, and Ms. Riley