Hello from classroom three!
Spring is here and the flowers are blooming! The children have enjoyed getting to look at and explore all the new flowers and plants that have been added to our playground. We have helped water the plants and talked about what they need to grow. Some took magnifying glasses outside so that they could explore closer. During the Week of the Young Child, we even got to plant our own succulent plant to take home. Also, during the same week we added some crawly creatures to the sensory table outside. WORMS! There were lots of screeches, laughter, and curiosity. Everyone wanted to look, but only some were brave enough to tough or hold one. In the other sensory table we had Ooblek. They were intrigued how it went from a solid to a liquid, and how it felt in between their fingers.
During the week that we talked about the ocean, we got creative with our sensory play again. We made blue Jell-O to look like the waves of the ocean. We were able to use or senses, touch - "It's SQUISHY!", smell - "Smells like blueberries!", sight - "It's JIGGLY!", and of coarse our favorite, taste - "YUMMY!". We have also had pudding in the table, and next month we will be doing a sensory activity with spaghetti. Mixing food with activities has made for interesting questions and conversations.
Something that we as a class are continually working on is toilet training. There are curious eyes in the little ones that are watching the big kids try and go. They want to sit on there and try as well so we let them. We want them to feel comfortable so that when they are ready, they will know how it all works. One child has transitioned out of pull ups, and everyone has been supportive and has encouraged him. They tell him "Way to go!" and "Yay!". He is so proud of himself and has confidence from all the praise he has received. We try to encourage and support one another with all that we do, no matter how big or small.
Mollie Sanders
Master Teacher
Delaware Child Development Center-Downtown
Bartlesville, OK 74003
E-Mail: msanders@delawarechild.org
Phone: 918-397-2374