Hello from EPS! We are so thankful for this beautiful weather lately; we have had many days enjoying snack time outside. Sunscreen has already been a priority, and lots of cool water is a necessity. Mother Nature can be tricky; therefore, we have to be on our toes and stay tuned to the weather updates and keep a close eye on our Child Care Weather Watch Chart. Not to worry though, we are taking every precaution to keep everyone hydrated and cool and to enjoy the beautiful sunny days!
Some ways to enjoy the natural outdoors with children are really very simple, and you can use these opportunities for learning as well. All children love to read, so why not take your reading time outdoors? Taking a cozy blanket outside to sit on or curl up with can make the time even more special. Another activity is laying in the grass and gazing at the clouds and pointing out different shapes that you see. It's amazing where your imagination can take you when you dream. Another fun time is going on nature hikes. Make a list of things with your child you want to look for, and when you are hiking, mark them off your list once they are found! How enjoyable for you and your child to interact together and find things you both love! There are a lot of things you can do, just let your mind wander and ask your child for tips on what they would like to do, also. Happy Hunting!
We have enjoyed our beautiful Tulips, and now we are preparing to plant our vegetable garden! We have a variety of tomato and cucumber plants, as that is exactly what the children asked for this year. We can't wait to dig in the dirt and begin to watch them grow so we can harvest and taste them! There is nothing like fresh veggies on your lunch plate straight from the garden!
As you may have noticed, there are many new faces in our center, and we are thrilled to have new friends among us! It has been such a welcome opportunity to get to know new people and expand our love for learning! We are all experiencing a great time and are looking forward to the coming months together. So, if you see someone you aren't familiar with, make sure to give a smile or kind gesture, as it only takes a minute, and we want everyone to feel welcome! Did you know that being kind also increases energy, is an all-natural anti-depressant, and provides better concentration? How amazing!
We will be hosting our annual Mother’s Day celebration coming up soon. We love to honor our Mothers since they are so very important in our lives. Please make plans to attend, as everyone is always welcome here!
As always, feel free to stop in to EPS 1 and say “hello” to us - we love having visitors. You are always welcome!
Ms. KK and EPS