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Ms KK's Class - EPS 1

Hello from EPS 1!

We are so pleased with the transitions that have taken place from the West center, and we are proud to have new friends to interact with. Playground time is so fun when there are many children to share it with. We are looking forward to summer days when we can enjoy some water play and mud time, as well as watching for our first tomato to make its appearance! Speaking of Summer, you may be wondering when the first day of summer is. Summer Solstice is June 21st this year which happens to fall on a Friday. Now, you may be wondering if summer solstice and the first day of summer are the same thing. That's a good question...Yes and No. In the Northern Hemisphere the summer solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its highest northernmost point in the sky. So astronomically speaking, it's the first day of summer. However, meteorologically speaking, summer begins on June 1st and ends August 31st. This is because meteorologists divide climate data into four seasons. You can always find more interesting fun facts at The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

With all the rain taking place lately, our class doesn't miss a chance to take advantage of jumping in mud puddles. You can hear the giggles echoing all over the playground when the cool water splashes on their legs as they jump as hard as they can to make the biggest splash possible! What a great way to practice gross motor skills!

I want to thank everyone who came to celebrate Mother's Day with us. You are so important in your child's life! The tea was tasty, the tulips were beautiful, and the company was amazing. It's always a treat to spoil our moms. You deserve it!

We have planted our garden and are anxiously waiting for the blooms to grow some yummy vegetables for us to enjoy. We have many kinds of tomato plants and will soon find out how tasty they are! We are watching on a daily basis, and so far, they are growing fast. It won't be long before the children will be picking the tomatoes and taking them to the kitchen to be prepared for our yummy meals. It's such a great science activity to be able to grow food, as well as harvest and eat it. Don't be surprised when your child wants to grow a garden at home!

Our Sand study is coming to an end, and it's been a fun time! We will begin learning about Simple Machines and their uses and will also be planning a trip to Sunset Ranch in Ramona! We will be traveling there to explore the garden, hike, and enjoy a picnic lunch! We are excited! Stay tuned for more details.

As always, please feel free to stop by and say hello; we love visitors!

Ms. KK and EPS 1 Class

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