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Ms Mashaya's Classroom 2

Hello from classroom 2!

The month of May has been full of rain! We have enjoyed playing in the rain and also playing in muddy puddles. We love getting to explore new textures with our hands and our toes. Hopefully the rain will come to a halt so we can enjoy some nicer summer weather this June.

June is going to be an exciting month for classroom 2! We are looking forward to water play. Water play is both enjoyable and educational because it helps children develop hand eye coordination and math and science skills. It also enhances social skills and encourages cooperation.

We will also be conversing about the dads in our lives since Father’s Day is June 16th. We will discuss the importance of our fathers and who our fathers are while making a fun Father’s Day craft for our supportive dads.

Thank you,

Mashaya Wagy

Master Teacher

DCDC- Downtown

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