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Ms Amanda & Ms Kim's Class - Toddler C

For the month of August, our classroom has been learning signs in American Sign Language. Due to the amazing interest and burst of vocabulary and communication that I have observed in the children, I have chosen to continue building on the children’s vocabulary and communication skills for the month of September as well. We will be discussing and identifying even more ASL signs in hopes that this will continue to help your child and you communicate with one another. If there is a certain area or specific words that you think of to better assist both myself and you to communicate better with your child, please do not hesitate to speak with me. I would be more than happy to work on those specifics.

Also, it is once again that time for parent teacher conferences, so please be sure and sign up so that I may have the opportunity to share with you all of your child’s wonderful and amazing accomplishments and milestones that I have had the pleasure to witness.

Ms. Amanda

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