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Ms Krisinda & Ms Arika's Class - Toddler B

Hello, Toddler B Parents!!!!!

We have been learning about our places in our family units as well as in our classroom community. We have been working on sharing and taking turns. This includes using our voices to communicate our needs to one another. Ms. Arika and I have seen growth in the last two months in our friends voicing their needs. We are also seeing growth in cooperative play. The children are engaging more with each other in the centers versus playing side by side with the same toys independently.

For the month of October, we will be focusing on the Early Learning Guideline –Approaches To Learning. We will be working on Standard 1: The child will demonstrate interest in learning through varying degrees of initiative, curiosity, sensory exploration, and problem solving. Our focus for the month will be colors. We will use four of our five senses to explore how colors look (sight), taste, feel, and smell. We will have color days that we will ask you to send your child to school in the color of the week. We are looking forward to a fun month of color exploration.

As always, parents are welcome to come and spend time learning with us. We would love to have you!

Ms. Krisinda and Ms. Arika

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