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Letter from the Director!

Delaware Child Development Bartlesville wants to welcome all families and the community members to consider volunteering in our center. The benefits are enormous. Adult interaction teaches children, even toddlers and preschoolers. Volunteering in the child care center makes the children feel valued and gives the teachers and children a sense of importance. Kids want to be noticed and cherished! I believe seeing volunteers in the center teaches the children about being a part of the community and respecting their responsibility to others whom they may not know. And children who see volunteering in their early years are more likely to continue doing so as adults.

Our center has an open-door policy. You are welcome to come volunteer in any capacity during hours of operation. If you don’t think the classroom is the place for you, there are other opportunities of support within the center that we can set you up to do, such as garden and grounds beautification.

Recently, volunteers from United Way came in and spent a day with us. It was so wonderful seeing some familiar faces from the previous year and hearing why the new volunteers chose Delaware Child Development as their place to volunteer. Some came just to “rock babies.” It warms my heart that we had such a great turnout for this annual event, so much so that I wish more community members and families knew the difference they could make.

It is great to know that families from the greater community want to be a part of what we are teaching the children. Early childhood education is for more people than just the families enrolled. It’s so much bigger! When we can get volunteers in the center, they can then go out into the community and talk about all the great learning opportunities they have seen and heard about and inspire other community members to be a part of early childhood. The field of early childhood is the foundation of building successful community leaders for the future. Every early childhood center deserves to feel appreciated.

Remember that you can make a difference, and we welcome you!

Thank you,

Tina McClintic

DCDC Bartlesville Director

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