Hello from Classroom 1,
In the first five years of life, your child's brain develops more and faster than at any other time in their life. Children's early experiences - the things they see, hear, touch, smell, and taste - stimulate their brain, creating millions of connections. These years of a child's life are critical for development. The experiences children have in these years help shape the adults they will become. More than anything else, your relationship with your child shapes the way your child learns and develops. In fact, relationships are the most important experiences in your child's environment because they teach them the most about the world around them. Through relationships, your child learns whether the world is safe and secure, and whether they're loved, who loves them, what happens when they cry, laugh, or make a face - and much more. Your child also learns by seeing relationships between other people. This learning is the basis for the development of your child's communication, behavior, social, and other skills. Your child's most important relationships are with you, other family members, and caregivers.
"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues."
Thanksgiving is coming upon us quickly, and with that it always leads me to remember the several things I am thankful for. One of the most valuable is the relationships I have with each of the children in my classroom and their parents.
We spent the month of October learning all about Fall. We collected leaves, painted pumpkins and experienced several different sensory ideas. This month we will be talking a lot about families and being thankful. We also have a lot of art, writing, dramatic play and sensory experiences we are looking forward to.
*Reminder* The weather is starting to get colder, and we want to make sure the children are prepared. We will still be going outside, so please check your child's cubby and make sure he/she has extra clothes for the colder weather.
Thank you,
Ms. Jen & Ms. Halle