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Ms Teresa's Class - Preschool

Hello, Parents!

We made it to the year 2020. We've had five wonderful months to get adjusted to each other - now let's kick it into high gear. With that being said, we will keep working with the take home folders, allowing for that parent-child learning to take place. The theme for this month will be Ice and Snow; We will learn how icicles form. We will continue to work on Literacy, Social-Emotional, Math, and Physical Skills.

Thank you for all your hard work. Please keep in mind that when your children are in school and in our class, they should bring their backpacks every day. We hope to share our learning with you through our home folders twice per week.

ELG Science Standard 4 Earth/ Space - The child will investigate and observe the basic concepts of the Earth.

Literacy Standard 3 - The child will understand the characteristics of written language.

Ms. Teresa

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