Greetings to all our families!
The kids enjoyed learning about animals in March. They learned animal sounds and used animals for art. While outside, we went on nature hunts and looked and listened for animals. They also enjoyed seeing pictures featuring themselves in the books that we made.
In April we will spend a couple of weeks learning social studies, incorporating ideas like sharing and interacting with others. To do this, we will read books including Should I Share My Ice Cream, we will create art with a friend, and we will dance together. We will then spend time learning about gardens. We will identify pictures of different plants, explore real and pretend mud, and even plant some seeds and small plants that we can then watch grow.
Reading that we will be spending time on social studies, you might be wondering what is social studies for toddlers. According to Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines, “Self and social awareness for very young children include learning about self, others, and the world around them. As infants, toddlers, and twos are able to notice differences between themselves and others, they begin to be aware of and learn to be respectful of each other’s unique characteristics, abilities, and talents.”
Miss Debra Miss Angela Miss Ashley
